
Is Saluki a Good Family Dog?

By Hollie Cartwright on Jan 15, 2024 Reviewed by Mick Ford

Salukis have a reputation for aloofness, independence, high strung tendencies, and sometimes love to chase small pets. Are they considered good family dogs?

Is saluki a good family dog

Table of Contents

What makes a good family dog?

Some of the key characteristics to look for in a family dog include:

  • Temperament: A good family dog should be friendly, approachable, and gentle, especially around children. Dogs that are patient and tolerant can handle the energy and curiosity of kids.
  • Size: The size of the dog in relation to your living space is a key consideration. Some families prefer smaller breeds that are easier to manage and may be better suited for apartments or smaller homes.
  • Energy Level: It is important to choose a dog with an energy level that matches your family’s activity level. Some breeds require more exercise and mental stimulation than others.
  • Trainability: This is crucial for managing behavior and ensuring the safety of both the dog and your family.
  • Adaptability: A good family dog should be adaptable to various situations and environments. Dogs that can handle changes in routine and are comfortable in different settings are often easier to integrate into family life.
  • Socialization: Dogs that are well-socialized from a young age tend to be more comfortable around people and other animals. Socialization is key to preventing behavioral issues.
  • Age: Consider the age of the dog. Puppies are adorable, but they require a significant time investment for training and socialization. Adult dogs may be a better fit for families with busy schedules.
  • Breed Characteristics: Research specific breeds and their characteristics. Some breeds are known for being excellent family dogs, while others may have traits that require more experienced handlers.
  • Grooming Needs: Take into account the grooming requirements of different breeds. Some families prefer low-maintenance coats to minimize shedding and grooming time.
  • Health Considerations: Check the health and lifespan of the breed. Some breeds are prone to certain health issues, and it’s important to be aware of potential veterinary costs.
  • Affectionate Nature: Look for a dog that is affectionate and enjoys spending time with family members. Dogs that form strong bonds with their owners often make great family pets.
  • Resilience: Dogs that are resilient and able to recover quickly from changes or stress can adapt well to the ups and downs of family life.

Saluki temperament

Salukis are known for their unique temperament, which combines elegance, independence, and gentleness. Understanding the typical characteristicsof the Saluki temperament will help in determining if they are a good fit for your family, while also helping provide the appropriate care, training, and environment for these dogs.

It’s important to note that individual Salukis may exhibit variations in temperament.

#1 — Gentle and Affectionate

Salukis are generally gentle and affectionate with their families. They often form strong bonds with their owners and enjoy being close to them.

#2 — Reserved Demeanor

Salukis can be somewhat reserved or aloof, especially around strangers. This reserved nature is a part of their temperament, and they may take time to warm up to new people.

#3 — Independent Thinkers

Salukis are known for their independent nature. While they are intelligent, they may not always be as eager to please as some other breeds. This can make training a Saluki require patience and consistency.

#4 — Quiet Disposition

Salukis are not typically known for excessive barking. Their quiet disposition can make them suitable for households where noise levels need to be kept low.

#5 — Sensitivity

Salukis are sensitive dogs and may not respond well to harsh training methods or loud environments. Positive reinforcement and gentle training techniques tend to work best with this breed.

#6 — High Prey Drive

Due to their history as hunting dogs, Salukis have a strong prey drive. They may be inclined to chase after small animals. This trait is important to consider, especially when introducing them to smaller pets.

#7 — Athletic and Agile

Salukis are athletic and agile dogs. They enjoy physical activities, particularly running. Providing regular exercise is crucial to their well-being.

#8 — Regal Demeanor

Salukis are often described as having a regal or noble demeanor. Their unique appearance and graceful movements contribute to their regal presence.

#9 — Low Maintenance Grooming

Salukis have short coats that generally require minimal grooming. Regular brushing to remove loose hair and occasional baths are usually sufficient to keep them clean.

#10 — Moderate-to-High Energy Level

While Salukis are known for their bursts of energy, they are not hyperactive dogs. Regular exercise, including opportunities for running in a secure area, is important to keep them content.

Are Salukis good with children?

No—especially not young children.

While they can be wonderful family companions, it’s important to note that Salukis may not be the ideal choice for every family, especially those with young children. This is because:

  • The may not be as tolerant of the noise and activity that often come with young children, owing to their independent and reserved nature.
  • They may not be tolerate rough handling or overly boisterous play. It’s crucial to teach children how to interact with the dog in a gentle and respectful manner.
  • They are known for their agility and speed but they are not hyperactive dogs, they only tend to have bursts of energy.

While some Salukis do very well in families with children, most may not be as tolerant or may prefer a quieter environment.

In households with young children, socialization, training and supervision are recommended:

  • Early socialization is crucial: Introduce them to various people, environments, and experiences from a young age to help them become well-adjusted adults. This is especially important if you have children or plan to have them during the dog’s lifetime.
  • Training is crucial: Salukis are intelligent dogs but can have an independent streak. Consistent and positive training methods are essential to ensure they respond well to commands. Basic obedience training is crucial for managing their behavior around children.
  • Close supervision is required: Regardless of the breed, it’s always important to supervise interactions between dogs and young children. This is to ensure that both the child and the dog are safe and comfortable.

Are Salukis good with dogs?

Salukis are good with other dogs.

They are known to be social animals and can get along well with canine companions, especially if they are introduced to other dogs from a young age.

If they are exposed to various dogs, people, and environments during their early development, they are more likely to be well-adjusted and comfortable around other dogs.

Some Salukis can exhibit territorial behavior, especially if they are not properly socialized or if they have not been spayed or neutered. This behavior may be directed towards other dogs, and proper training and socialization can help manage it.

Like any breed, supervision is important when dogs are interacting, especially during initial introductions. This is to prevent any potential conflicts and ensure that the dogs are getting along well.

For playmates, consider that Salukis have a higher energy level, and their play style may differ from other breeds. It’s essential to ensure that their playmates are comfortable with their style of interaction.

For smaller dogs consider that Salukis have a strong prey drive due to their history as hunting dogs. This instinct may be triggered by smaller animals, including smaller dogs. It’s important to monitor their interactions, especially if the other dog is significantly smaller or has a different temperament.

If you are considering introducing a Saluki to your existing dog or bringing home a Saluki puppy to a household with other dogs, gradual introductions in a neutral environment can be beneficial. Observe their interactions, and if there are any signs of tension or discomfort, it’s important to intervene and seek professional guidance if needed.

Early socialization, positive reinforcement training, and responsible ownership play significant roles in determining how well a Saluki will get along with other dogs. Always be attentive to their body language and behavior to ensure a harmonious relationship with canine companions.

Are Salukis good with cats?

Compatibility of Salukis with cats varies.

It can vary based on the individual temperament of the dog, early socialization experiences, and the specific needs of the cat.

Salukis, like many sighthounds, have a natural instinct to chase moving objects, and this can include cats. While not all Salukis will necessarily exhibit a strong prey drive towards cats, it’s important to be aware of this potential trait.

Early socialization with cats can help. If a Saluki is exposed to cats from a young age and has positive experiences, they may be more likely to coexist peacefully with cats. Early socialization is crucial in shaping a dog’s behavior and reducing the likelihood of prey drive-related issues.

Obedience training and consistent supervision will also help in managing interactions between Salukis and cats

If you are considering bringing a Saluki into a household with cats or introducing a Saluki puppy to an existing cat, it’s recommended to proceed with caution and gradual introductions. Allow both animals to acclimate to each other’s presence under controlled conditions, and provide positive reinforcement for calm and appropriate behavior.

Can Salukis be off leash?


While some Salukis can be trained to be reliable off-leash, it’s important to note that they have a strong prey drive and an independent nature, which can make off-leash activities challenging.

The instinct to chase after moving objects, including small animals, is deeply ingrained in the Saluki breed due to their history as hunting dogs.

Many Saluki owners opt for long training leads or secure, fenced areas for off-leash activities.

Additionally, certain environments may pose more challenges than others. For example, areas with a high concentration of small animals may be more distracting for a Saluki with a strong prey drive.

It’s recommended to start off-leash training in controlled environments and gradually progress to more challenging situations.

Seeking guidance from a professional dog trainer experienced with off-leash training can also be beneficial.

Always prioritize the safety of your Saluki and consider their individual personality and behavioral tendencies when deciding whether to allow them off-leash.

Are Salukis good pets?


Salukis can make wonderful pets for the right individuals or families, but it’s important to understand their specific characteristics and needs before deciding if they are the right fit

Arguments for Salukis as family pets

Salukis are known for their gentle and affectionate nature. They can form strong bonds with family members and become loyal companions.

Salukis are often described as elegant and graceful dogs. Their unique appearance and regal demeanor can be appealing to those who appreciate these qualities.

Salukis typically have short coats that require minimal grooming. They are generally clean dogs with low shedding.

Salukis are not known for excessive barking, making them suitable for individuals or families living in quieter environments.

Arguments against Salukis as family pets

Salukis have high energy levels and require regular exercise. They enjoy running and may have a strong prey drive, so off-leash activities in safe, enclosed areas are important.

Salukis can be independent and may not always be as eager to please as some other breeds. Training may require patience and consistency.

Salukis are known to be sensitive dogs. Harsh training methods or loud environments may stress them.

Due to their history as hunting dogs, Salukis may have a strong prey drive. This could lead to chasing small animals, and caution is needed around smaller pets.

Salukis may not thrive in apartment living due to their exercise needs and size. They are best suited to homes with access to a secure, spacious yard.

Key considerations


Early socialization is crucial to ensure that Salukis are well-adjusted and comfortable in various environments and with different people and animals.


Positive reinforcement training techniques work well with Salukis. Consistent and patient training will help them become well-behaved companions.

Health Considerations

Salukis may be prone to certain health issues, including heart conditions and sensitivity to anesthesia. Regular veterinary check-ups are important.

Wrapping Up

Salukis can be good family pets if they are raised with children and if the children understand how to interact respectfully with the dog.

In summary, Salukis can make excellent pets for individuals or families who can meet their exercise needs, appreciate their graceful nature, and are willing to invest time in training and socialization

Remember that individual dogs behavioural traits can vary, and factors such as early socialization, training, and the overall environment play crucial roles in shaping a dog’s behavior.

It’s essential to spend time interacting with potential pets before making a decision and consider adopting from shelters or rescue organizations where you can find dogs with diverse personalities and backgrounds.